What is a Mach trimmer?
What is a Mach trimmer?
A Mach trimmer is a system that artificially corrects for Mach tuck.
While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?
While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?
Carb icing can occur with temperatures as high 30°C and humidity as low as 50%, but it is more likely when below 20°C and high humidity, especially during low power settings.
Why do some airplanes have dihedral wings?
Why do some airplanes have dihedral wings?
Dihedral provides:
Lateral stability (during a roll) Wing clearance, wingtip to ground has more space
How does an altimeter work and which errors can an altimeter experience?
How does an altimeter work and which errors can an altimeter experience?
When an aircraft climbs, the static pressure in the instrument case decreases, which allows the enclosed capsule to expand.
This in turn moves the needle on the instrument to indicate a corresponding altitude.
During descent, the opposite function applies.
Altimeter errors can originate and vary from:
Instrument Pressure Time-lag Barometric Density Temperature Blocked static port
What is lift?
What is lift?
Lift is the component of the total aerodynamic force perpendicular to the relative airflow.
Lift is generated when a streamlined body, such as an aerofoil, is placed in a flow of air.
What are wing tip vortices?
What are wing tip vortices?
Wingtip vortices are tubes of circulating air that are left behind a wing as it generates lift.
They are caused by the difference in pressure above and below the wing causing the air to 'escape' from the high pressure area below the wing to the low pressure area above the wing, by rolling around the tip of the wing. This creates a vortex that trails behind the wing.
What are SOP's? And why do you think Airlines have SOP's?
What are SOP's? And why do you think Airlines have SOP's?
SOP's are Standard Operating Procedures, they provide safety, uniformity and work ethics.
Why is a great circle the shortest distance between two points?
Why is a great circle the shortest distance between two points?
The track changes constantly.
What clearance do MSA values give?
What clearance do MSA values give?
They provide at least 1000ft clearance over obstacles within 25NM of the homing facility.
Why does a swept wing increase Mcrit?
Why does a swept wing increase Mcrit?
A swept wing makes the velocity vector normal to the leading edge a shorter distance than the chordwise resultant.